An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

04 January 2011

When building a case against conservatives...

... a little bit of advice:  Your first piece of "evidence" shouldn't be allegations of racial epithets shouted at members of Congress, especially when there were thousands of protesters in attendance, many of them with phones capable of capturing video.  Strange that no one has come forward to claim Andrew Breitbart's $100k reward for video evidence.  I'm fairly conservative, but if I had proof, I'd give up a member of my own family for the chance to pay off the mortgage in one fell swoop.

But the story beats on:  Liberals accept at face value the word of a member of Congress, despite video from several angles that doesn't corroborate the accusations.  Or the witnesses' ability to have heard the epithets.  Or their recollection of what they did in reaction to them.  Other than that, the claim is perfectly verifiable.

Wait a minute!  Since when do we accept the word of a politician?  For years now, have we not heard "Bush lied, people died"?  Strange that witness testimony is unimpeachable if the witness has a "D" next to his or her name.

Wait a minute, I'm using liberal logic:  The burden of proof is on me, the evil, baby-eating, Gaig-killing conservative to prove that hateful words were not spoken.  Just like it's up to me and my kind to prove the allegations made against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce this past political season weren't true.

Naturally, the Left still hasn't let this go.  Know why?  Righteous indignation:  How dare you call Rep. Lewis a liar for saying you Tea-baggers *hee-hee* called him a nigger!  Why he marched with Martin Luther King, Jr!

So?  So did Jesse Jackson, expert shakedown artist behind PUSH.

MLK has been dead for thirty years.  People change.  Including people that marched with him.  Not that they were ever entitled to absolute moral authority on anything!

And to this day, facts still trump absolute moral authority.  No video footage of it?  And the only footage there is doesn't prove anything?  Sorry, Facts and a pair of Fives still beats Absolute Moral Authority and three Aces.  No, I will not respect your authoritah!

Seriously, I'd be willing to split the $100k with anyone who's got the video.

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