An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

04 July 2011

The Star & Sickle

In the midst of the shutdown, I think the parent company of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune should make the newspaper simplify its format.  After all, three simple headlines would convey the daily message from the Star & Sickle:

  • "Don't Confuse Us Or Our Dwindling Readership With Facts, The Shutdown Is The Republicans' Fault"
  • Republicans Want Millionaires To Keep More Of Their Money, But We Think It Would Better Be Served For Spending Projects We Haven't Even Dreamed Up Yet"
  • "Republicans Are Evil, And Since It's The Fourth Of July, They're Unpatriotic Too"
I mean, really, the last few days, especially since the shutdown began, it's been a broken record.

03 July 2011

Days 5 & 6

T is just wonderful.

For date #5, we took in an evening at the Science Center of Iowa's Mixology event.  We had a fun evening, where we explored the museum, were entertained by a couple of live demonstrations, and learned more about each other, followed by drinks at the Lift and dinner at Fong's Pizzeria.  Back to her place to watch a movie, followed by talking and kissing.  I got home around 4:30, to bed by 5:00.

The next day was a picnic with her sister and her sister's kids, followed by a trip out to Madison County to the grand opening of a winery's brewery.  Later, T told me I had scored some points by agreeing to attend, but I attended because I thought it would be different and fun. 

The grand opening had live music, outdoor seating, and plenty of sunshine.  Twisted Blonde beer.  The journey there was a little bit of an adventure as we tore along several dirt roads before stopping and asking for directions in St. Charles.  After taking in the ambience at the Madison County Winery, we got a bottle of their "Pink" wine to go, enjoying it while watching a double feature at my place.  A simple dinner at Quizno's and back to my place to try out my new dining table.  T helped me prepare the Twins' dinner meal and she got to see just how spoiled the two are.

When I got to her place Friday evening, I played up a little joke we had between us on our first date:  I made a date comment card she could fill out, making sure that one could only give positive comments.  Dorky, to be sure, but she found the humor in it.

Today, T's out of town, visiting her family for the 4th of July, but she remains in my thoughts.