An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

18 December 2010

The sheer hatred some people are capable of...

As evidenced by this blog post:

Blogger KayInMaine is, for lack of a better term, a nutbar.  A hate-filled nutbar.  This is her Richard-Dawkins-inspired take on Jehovah in bloody Commie red, with my equally snarky response in calm, rational black:

Only the christian gawd would:
  • Tell George Bush to attack Iraq
    •  I searched with Google, could only find hearsay of what Bush supposedly said to Mahmoud Abbas.
  • Want to kill all gays
    • OK, you know that Sodom and Gomorrah were not actual towns, right?  More importantly, their mention occurs in the Old Testament of the Bible.  Kay said "christian gawd", which I will correct for her to "Christian God", since it denotes the name of a group and the name of a deity, and we're supposed to capitalize names, m'kay Kay?  Guess what, Christian teachings focus on the more compassionate and loving God of the New Testament.  I want Kay to show me the biblical passage in either book that says "Kill all gays".  She can't, because it doesn't exist!  What some people have done in a misinterpretation of the Bible is not God's fault.
  • Support war over peace
    • Eh?  What's she smoking?  Once again, we're talking about the Christian God here.  Jesus wasn't big on the whole war effort, Kay.  He was more of the peace-maker type.
  • Support the rich over the poor
    • "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and give unto God that which is God's."  Must have missed the part of the bible where J.C. hangs out with the preppy Apostles.
  • Rather spend thousands on new furniture for the church foyer than give a starving child a sandwich
    • What's God got to do with the financial decisions of a church?  And it's not like the Church does nothing for the poor.  Check the historical record, Kay:  The Church and its people have done much for the poor.
  • Command his underlings to spread falsehoods and lies about President Obama, because he can’t stand the color of his skin
    • OK, she should stop hogging the good stuff.  Seriously, did she smoke some weed before pooping out this diatribe?
  • Refuse to fund the 9/11 responders, but add $900 billion to our nation’s deficit after years of screaming the deficit is too high….all in the name of Jesus (see first bullet on the list)!
    • Again, what's God got to do with this?
  • Support the torture of people who have no evidence against their crime
    • Someone smoked too much weed while in English and Civics class.  You see, in this country, people are innocent until proven guilty, so they don't have to have evidence against their crime, as you said.  The burden of proof is with the court.  And torture?  Once again, she confuses a misinterpretation of God's word with what God is supposed to have said.
  • Support the condemning those that use the words “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” without giving the beings of the earth proof that Jesus was really born on December 25th in the desert in a manger!
    • It's called "faith", you moron!  Oh, and it's also called "you wouldn't have a holiday on December 25th without Christians celebrating the birth of their Messiah.  You're more than welcome to celebrate your Messiah's birthday, Kay.  When is Obama's birthday again?
What else has gawd done that we should all be ashamed of?  Allowed your birth to occur.

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