An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

20 November 2010

We told you so... demonstrated by the civilian court trial of Ahmed Ghailani, a dirtbag who was acquitted on all but 1 of the 285 charges against him.

Wait a minute, didn't Obama and his politicial-agenda-driven Attorney General Eric Holder assure us that these trials were necessary to save our Constitution?  Never mind that Mr. Ghailani is not an American citizen.  Never mind he may never have set foot on U.S. soil, save perhaps for the sovereign soil of the U.S. Embassy he was accused of bombing.

Remember when Obama and Holder told not to worry?  That it wasn't like these guys were going to be found "not guilty"?  Now, at the time, implying the trials were going to have a predetermined outcome was rightly criticized by judicial scholars on both sides of the spectrum.  There's a word for that:  Show trials.  OK, two words.  I mean, if they're going to be found guilty, why bother waste court employees' time?

And now?  The dirtbag was almost acquitted!  One editorial for the Star & Sickle characterized it as a perilously close call, but a "success."  A success?  Conviction on only 1 of 285 charges?  Sounds more like dumb luck for the prosecution.  The fact is that the case for the other 284 charges fell apart when the judge refused to allow a key witness because the information was obtained through enchanced interrogation techniques, or what the Left hyperbolically calls torture.  Throw in a judge appointed by Bill Clinton, and you've got a recipe for disaster.  I remember I and conservative commentators observed this logic gap at the time Obama pushed for the civilian trials:  If we're going to try these dirtbags suspects in a criminal court of law, how can we use evidence obtained by the Bush administration using techniques decried almost universally by the Left?  A classic example of the libs wanting to have their cake and eat it too.  And rather than admitting that maybe the actual constitutional scholars were right that civilian trials for suspects who had been previously treated as enemy combatants would produce disastrous results, I predict they'll play the blame game when this blows up in their face:  "We could convict these terrorists militants freedom fighters purveyors of man-caused disasters if only Bush  hadn't tortured them!  Blame Bush!  Blame Bush!

Can't have it both ways, morons.

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