An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

17 November 2009

Is anyone else bothered by the historic parallels?

Recently, Sir Ian McKellen states how, upon finding the Holy Bible in a hotel room, he proceeds to deface it.  He tears out those sections, such as Leviticus, that have some unflattering things to say about homosexuality.

Well, good for him.  Way to demonstrate that tolerance that the gay movement expects-- no demands-- from people who think homosexuality is a sin.

My mother put it perfectly years ago:  "I don't care what choice you make, but stop trying to convince me it's normal."

And that's just it.  It is not normal.  It is not normal sexual behavior.  It's simple mathematics.  Ninety percent of the country is straight, 10% is gay.  So who cares!

Well, the gay movement does.  See, it's not enough simply to be accepted, they also must be validated.  By everybody!  Talk about insecurity!

And if Sir McKellen wishes to rips the pages out of his own bibles, that's his right.  But to deface hotel property?  Well, I hope he leaves a deposit with them, so they can replace the Bible after his stay.  You know, so the next occupant or occupants of the room can read those sections of Leviticus if they want to.

The article's author, Zennie62, says this:
As one who's straight and Christian, but one who believes in civil rights for all - in fact that it's even a conversation is really annoying to me - there are parts of the Bible I elect to skip, like that one. So Sir Ian McKellen's doing a favor for me by taking out a part of the hotel version Good Book I skip anyway.

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