An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

07 October 2010

Oh, those clever Dems!

Voting is like driving:  Choose "R" to go backward, "D" to go forward.

Oh my, how clever!

Wait a minute.

I don't have a "D" on my gear shift.

Instead, I have the numbers 1-5 and an "R".  Hmm, guess the analogy falls apart for me.  No offense to automatic drivers, but I prefer to do something besides push the pedals and hang on.  It's the same with voting.  Making a choice and then disengaging from the experience for the rest of the journey seems kind of dumb to me.

Actually, since it's the progressives in the White House now, let's continue the driving analogy.  What does "P" stand for on an automatic shift lever?  Going nowhere fast.

Also, when driving, going forward constantly is impossible.  You have to turn from time to time.  Sometimes you turn left.  Sometimes you turn right.  Do too much of either, and you end right back where you started.

What about that cliff ahead?  Do you go forward, over the cliff?  Or do you turn?  Even better, do you reverse?

Why do liberals always screw up analogies?

Then again, maybe I've over-analyzing a bumper-sticker-sloganeering mentality.

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