An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

01 January 2010

Let the venom fly

As the new year emerges, there's nothing new about the "progressive" hate over Rush Limbaugh's illness.  I'm not saying that the right's members always conducts themselves with grace when revered liberal VIPs take ill or die.  Hating someone for their political or religious beliefs is the not the mark of an enlightened person.  So I'm not surprised by the KOS kiddies and the DUmmies spewing their bile in hoping Limbaugh dies, then justifying it by declaring Limbaugh and his avid fans and listeners as full of venom and hate themselves, in effect categorizing some of their fellow citizens as sub-human.  That's how false liberal compassion and tolerance works in what would otherwise be a situation to burn out the twisted logic circuits of some lefties:  Save the whales.  Save the children.  Save the welfare leeches.  But don't save anyone deemed sub-human!

As I said, I'm not surprised.  Nor would it surprise if some of these petulant human beings still live with their parents.  I'm not saying they do, just that it wouldn't surprise me.  Imagine all that hate-filled rage being tempered with having to learn to actually get along with someone who doesn't think like you do!  You do have to admire their commitment to their cause, however:  Their unyielding zealotry helped them sway recent elections in their favor.  It's a lot easier to win when you set aside such inconvenient things as facts,ethics, and the rule of law.  They learned that lesson well after the contested 2000 presidential election.

One commenter took a step further in the de-humanization of Limbaugh:  That if Jesus were alive today, he would be labeled as a "Liberal Socialist Marxist" by Limbaugh and his listeners.  Alright, enough with the attempts to recruit the memory of Jesus to your cause:  Did He establish his apolitical credits with the whole "Give unto Caesar" speech?  And not to nitpick, but I've never read anything where He advocated forcing others to be charitable.

For the past twelve years, I've lived, worked, and volunteered in a blue state.  And in order to share a peaceful co-existence with neighbors, co-workers, and fellow volunteers, I've often suppressed the urge to "correct" certain fallacies and myths that they accept regarding all Republicans and conservatives. 

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