An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

23 June 2018

High emotions masquerading as logic

So my FB friends never fail to disappoint in the weakness of their arguments regarding the border situation.

First of all, every nation in the world has the right to enforce laws governing who may enter/exit.  Our who may work within the borders.

But to the leftists, the U.S. must be excluded from this rule.  Since every attempt to enforce our immigration laws is either racist or cruel or both.

Let's start with the emotionally charged topic of "separation".  I've learned from my lefty friends that there is no greater sin than separating children from their parents at the border.  I mean, there's no other times we take children from their parents...

Except when the children are being abused or living in an unsafe home environment.  Or the parent or parents are incarcerated for committing a crime.

Like, say, sneaking across the border and violating the sovereignty of a country.  And then attempting to work in that country.  Oh, wait.

Or how about when some of the people in the country illegally drive drunk and murder someone with their car?  Which they don't have any insurance for, and which isn't registered to them.  If they can leave the scene of the accident, they will.  And law enforcement has to explain to someone's loved ones how finding and catching the lawbreaker will be next to impossible, assuming they haven't fled home.

But the leftists cry about children being "ripped" from their mother's arms.  Except, that, while seemingly cruel, the "mothers" aren't really the mothers.  Sometimes they are smuggling the children in as part of a trafficking network.  Big surprise, someone willing to sneak across the desert and cross the border is also willing to lie to the federal agents who catch and detain them.  And the "relatives" we place them with may be willing to lie to federal agents as well.  A recent report found thousands of illegal immigrant children, subsequently placed with family within our borders, to be "missing":  the federal is no longer tracking them.  Did the family move?  Or was something more extra-legal happening?

But the point is moot, since President Trump has issued an executive order to no longer separate children film their "parents".  Instead of keeping the kids somewhere with games and activities, now they'll be housed with the adults who knowingly broke the law and are consequently kept in a place that looks more like a prison and may be in violation of the law Congress passed during the Clinton years.  Signed into law by President Clinton.  And enforced by Clinton.  And President Bush.  And President Obama.  And President Trump.

So I've no doubt we'll see a lawsuit arguing how we can't keep children with their parents in a prison.

Because leftists aren't interested in enforcing immigration law.  And Democrats, wanting to gain and stay in power, are all too willing to support an open-borders policy with an eye to the future.  It's no coincidence that they oppose requiring photo ID to vote.  Or that they support amnesty and a speedy path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.  Because the illegals will reward them with votes.

But you just keep kidding yourself that Democrat politicians have your best interests at heart...

Finally, I'd like to address the latest rash of comparisons of our ICE and Border Patrol agents to the Nazis.  Really?  Has no one heard of Godwin's Law?  And I defy the leftist drama queens to point to an instance where the hard-working, law-abiding American citizens that comprise our agencies charged with securing our borders have summarily executed illegal immigrants.  Or put them in cattle cars to extermination camps.  Or would follow an order to violate the human rights of people.  I have a feeling all I'd hear are the sounds of crickets.

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