In the wake of the movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO, she posted this crap:
A wingnut kills 14 in a Colorado movie theater…
…and you know what that means! It means Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh are to blame. Yes, that’s right: THEY’RE TO BLAME. Both of those assholes with a national microphone are causing the reich wing armed militias in America to go off the deep end. When will these two be arrested for terrorizing the nation!!!
and then she went on to blame one of the Left's favorite bogeymen: Michelle Bachmann.
Others on Twitter are not letting an absence of facts get in the way of a narrative:
Hannity beck limbaugh paraphernalia Found at aurora shooters homeReally, jakecovo? That's interesting. How would you know, since the police at this time have yet to effect entry into the shooter's home, since it appears he wasn't bluffing about his apartment being booby-trapped with explosives. Did the police somehow, enter the apartment, find the materials, notice the apartment was booby-trapped, and then leave and have the bomb squad send a robot in? That's a good trick!
Now I hear news about ABC finding a connection between the shooter, James Holmes, and the Colorado Tea Party.
One problem: ABC got the wrong James Holmes.
Jeez, rank amateurism at work. Laura Ingraham described them best: Dinosaur Media.
In the meantime, the Left will continue its hate-filled, fact-challenged rants.
It seems to be their M.O.: React to such news reflexively and emotionally. Blame people whom you feel are "evil". When facts come out that dispute your beliefs, change the topic. Never admit you were wrong, because that would be an indicator of growth. If you grew and matured, you might learn, like the rest of us, to be patient for the facts to emerge, to "look before you leap", as it were.
But when facts in these situations come out, they rarely if ever support the left-wing arguments. That's why I think they jump the gun: Whip people's emotions into a frenzy and get them believing lies before the truth, as Mark Twain put it, has gotten its shoes on.
It's fortunate that I don't know any of these people personally. I'd have to exercise great restraint to keep from slapping some sense into them.
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