An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

21 June 2012

Sorry, life isn't fair


President Obama took executive action removing the fear of deportation for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
Can we say reportedly, here?  Since they came to the U.S. illegally, we have no means of verifying their story.  Guess we just take the word of somebody who violated the immigration laws of our country, huh?

The policy makes sense. Many of the immigrants impacted by the action are hard-working people who are contributing and will continue to contribute to the strength of our country.

Except they cut in line.  And if they're not being paid under the table, their employer has submitted W-2s with either a bogus or stolen social security number.  If it's the latter, then it's identity theft, meaning some poor slob has just become a victim in what I've heard some argue is a victimless crime.
Romney, whose stance on immigration has been evolving since January when he said immigrants should “return home, apply and get in line with everyone else,” now finds it difficult in the general election to oppose the merits of a plan such as the one Obama initiated.
One little word is everything.  Romney was talking about the illegal immigrants getting in line with everybody else.  You know, the ones whom as legally immigrating!

Romney and friends know that winning support from Hispanic voters will dim significantly if Republicans are seen as advocates for the forcible removal of children, college students and young adults who are law-abiding members of the American community.
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that's how Hispanic voters feel about it.  If you waited in line like everyone else, would you be so quick to forgive the line-cutter?  Plus, let's not paint all these illegal immigrants with the same brush.  Some are members of violent gangs such as MS-13.  Some, like this guy, may be hard workers, but they are also murderers:

On Wednesday, Carlos Cardenas, 22, with the help of a Spanish interpreter, pleaded guilty to strangling his wife's 15-year-old sister while raping her in his bathroom last year. He later dumped the girl's body in an apple orchard in Orleans County where the illegal alien was once employed.

Or this guy:

A modern-day Jack the Ripper who admitted that he “wanted to kill” a Queens woman he viciously murdered was sentenced yesterday to up to 29 years in prison.
Huang Chen, 49, an illegal immigrant from China, admitted he murdered his former employment agent by tying a plastic rope around her neck and smashing her head with a hammer 30 times.
Chen showed no remorse as he was sentenced for the 2010 killing of Qian Wu.
Sorry, not all of them are hard workers.  And their willingness to cut in line and cheat makes me question their integrity and honesty.

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