An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

25 December 2011

Can't they give it a rest?

Can't they give it a rest for one FRICKIN' day?

Today is Christmas Day, one of the most holy days of the Christian calendar.

Christmas, one of the most cherished holidays in America.

And the Des Moines Red-Star runs this pathetic liberal crap:

Is God a Democrat or Republican?

This just in: Contrary to popular belief, God has just held a press conference in which he announced that he is, in fact, a Democrat. The stunning announcement came as Iowan Republicans prepare to caucus on Jan. 3 and as a bevy of Republican candidates vie for the evangelical Christian vote.
When asked by a reporter if he thought his announcement would shock evangelical Christians, God replied, “It is the height of hubris for them to pretend to know my mind. If they are unable to deal with this, I suggest they wait outside the caucus room doors on Jan. 3 where they can wail and gnash their teeth.”
— David Gaul, Earling

Cute.  I've always thought of the notion of God and Christianity as distinctly apolitical.  That's why Jesus said:

Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
-- Mathew 22:21.

There was also that whole thing about how Jesus' kingdom was not of this earth.

But why let get facts in the way of a good narrative.

Such insecure people.  Constantly seeking validation.

Granted, GOP candidates are catering to the evangelical vote, but it is extreme arrogance to claim you speak for or represent God.  David Gaul should know all about hubris, since he accuses others of it while remaining blind to his own.

The first comment was equally inane:

Patrisha Dean: Loved your letter. Why are so-called Christians in denial of His message? Did Christ ever say to reward the rich so the poor could prosper? Did he ever put women down? Did he chastise with a whip the money changers in the temple? Did he really say anything about sexual practices? He did say to the woman at the well to go and sin no more but please enlighten me, as maybe I am so uninformed.
Forced charity is not charity, just like forced sex is not sex.  They're known by their more accurate terms robbery and rape.

Yes, Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple.  Because they were defiling a holy place with base commerce, not because they were money changers.  He didn't have much to say about sexual practices, true, but he didn't counter the God of the Old Testament.  Or does Patrisha not remember what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?

Yes, Patrisha, you are so uninformed.  God does not belong to the Democrats or the Republicans.  He doesn't belong to you or me.  He doesn't belong to ANYBODY.  THAT'S WHY HE'S GOD!

Then there was KayInMaine from White Noise Insanity:

Merry Christmas Eve 2012!

We’re not sure but we think we may have plugged our dog into the xmas tree this year.  I remember counting at least 8 strands of lights on the tree, so it is very possible I plugged Jasper’s tail in there somewhere! One friend said, “I think Jasper needs an ornament!”. Hey could be, but one thing is for sure, xmas wouldn’t be complete WITHOUT THIS PICTURE! Yesiree bobcats, nothing says “Merry Christmas, America!!!” more than that picture!
Hope you all have a wonderful time this weekend!

As I observed during Easter this year, KayInMaine can take her fake Christmas well-wishes and shove them.  It's all well and good for her to smear the "the christian gawd" the rest of the year, but today, she changes her spots.  Or at least tries to.

Granted, not very Christian of me, but I don't care.

Oh, by the way, KayInMaine, yesterday was Christmas Eve 2011, not 2012.  I guess pointing out that you made a mistake probably makes me a "right-wing, knuckle-dragging, neck-drooling teabagger."

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