EFL: "It's easy to deny gays equal rights. What is going to be difficult is explaining that to our grandchildren." -Stephen Colbert
to which another acquaintance replies:
JC: :) Love him & Jon Stewart both. I keep thinking if people were allowed to vote on whether african-americans got the same civil rights in the 60s, that the results would have been the same as putting gay marraige to a vote today. Sometimes, leadership isn't popular, but is necessary.This from a woman who has for years been the head of a non-profit in Minnesota. I've heard more than one person describe her stewardship of said organization as "tyrannical." I've encountered her "leadership" style: It's a rare form of bullying.
I will refrain from pointing out the percentages of Republicans who voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, versus the percentage of Democrats. But I will point out the huge non sequitor: Gay marriage, or marriage of any kind, is NOT A CIVIL RIGHT. It's a religious institution. Regrettably, the line between civil "marriage" and the religious sacrament of marriage has been blurred, and I will concede the couples out there with biologically-incompatible genitalia have a point: Separate the two flavors of institutions, give the homos their frickin' benefits, and let's just shut up about the issue!
SL: Now the effort is to only allow those with photo ID's the right to vote-how far back in time do we really need to go? Womens suffrage-maybe American Indians shouldn't get to vote anymore either???
Oh. My. God. Please tell me you were drunk or hit your head when your scribbled out this piece of shit. Do yourself a favor, SL, and get your "news" (aka what a reasonable person would call "talking points") from a source other than The Huffington Post or MSNBC. Just because you don't see the potential for fraud within Minnesota's "fantastic" system just means you're not capable of devious thought. Good for you. In the meantime, ask some election judges from the last election held in MN about the large groups of college students who got people to vouch for their eligibility to vote in MN. True, only two students are under investigation, but there's an old saying: "Where there's smoke, there's fire."
The reality is that voter fraud is damn difficult to prove. Under the current laws, you pretty much have to have the person confess of their own free will, since voting is done by secret ballot. And if the Left were so damned worried about disenfranchisement, why don't they worry about the nullification of my vote by an ineligible voter?!
EFL: We've got so far to go....
True, EFL, so far to go before you and your like-minded peers consider for the briefest of possible moments that the other side is not evil, and they just might have a few good ideas.
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