An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

15 May 2010

De-friended for political reasons...

A friend of mine on Facebook ceased to be yesterday evening.  He also ceased to be the friend of some of our mutual friends at the same time.  Coincidentally, mine and their political viewpoints align on a great many fronts.  Were we de-friended because we don't think Barack Obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread?  Quite possibly.

I recently glanced at the info page of this friend and former co-worker.  He explains why he is a Democrat:

Why I am a Democrat.

When I was born the Republican party stood for individual responsibility, states’ rights and financial conservatism. After many years of being in the minority in Congress, the Republicans decided that they needed to find a new set of voters. They found their calling in being anti-communist. Anti-communism united the free marketers and the religious conservatives under the Republican banner. Being anti-communist worked for the Republicans, they did everything they could think of to bring down the Soviet Union and it worked. That is where things started going wrong.

National Debt:
President Bush promised "Read my lips, no new taxes" on the campaign trail in 1988. In 1991, he was the most popular President in history, and then his economic advisers came to him and said that taxes needed to be raised if we were going to get the deficits under control. George Bush remembered what he said, but decided to do the right thing and raise taxes, resulting in the longest economic expansion in US history. The American people burned him for it, and he lost the election. Since that election, the financial conservatives in the Republican Party have basically been silenced. We used to have "tax and spend Democrats". Now we have "borrow and spend Republicans". China now owns half a Trillion dollars of the US federal debt. The whole world owns 2.6 trillion dollars of the US federal debt. The impacts of this massive debt on the US economy are going to be felt for years to come.

How dare the American people punish the man for going back on his word!  This is the same mindset that villifies Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty for signing a no new taxes pledge.  What my friend glosses over here with regards to George H.W. Bush is that the country was hit by recession in 1991.  Bush was not on-board with Reagananomics, calling it "Voodoo Economics" when running against Reagan in 1980.  Eight years later, he uttered the infamous "no new taxes" phrase.  Some people think he was paying supply-side economic theory lip service just to secure the nomination.  And the reason why Bush lost the election in 1992?  Try the same reason Bob Dole lost in 1996.  A billionaire name H. Ross Perot who understood 25 years ago that tax-and-spend and borrow-and-spend weren't the only options when it comes to fiscal policy.  In a nutshell, Perot espoused "tax-less-and-spend-less" as a means of getting the countries finances back in order.  Perot was the reason why Bill Clinton never won a majority of the popular vote, merely a plurality.  Speaking of Clinton, my friend claims we used to have "tax and spend Democrats".  Uh no, they're still here.  They didn't go anywhere.  And my friend ignores the close relationship between the Clinton administration and Red China.  Remember Al Gore at the fundraiser at the Buddhist temple, who later claimed he didn't know he was at a fundraiser?

Spreading Freedom:
When we were fighting the communists, the most successful strategy we had was convincing the world that the United States was a force of good, by spreading freedom to areas that had been denied it, predominantly in Eastern Europe. With the end of Soviet Communism, this policy abruptly stopped. While the goal of spreading freedom is shared by both Republicans and Democrats, it appears that for Republicans it was just a tactic to beat Communism rather than a strategy for a better world. The current President Bush paid lip service to democracy in Palestine, but when the Palestinians elected people we don't like, we did everything in our power to force them out of power.

Ironic that Democrats were always against this so-called "nation-building."  And with the end of Soviet communism, stopping the spread of communism ceased to be as much in our national interest, not to mention politicians would have a hard time justifying "priming the pump" when the pressure was off.  This led to the aforementioned economic prosperity:  The USSR came in second place in the Cold War.  The US could start paying more attention to domestic issues.

Culture of Fear:
When Communism was the big problem, Republicans stood for strength. Now all that I seem to hear from Republicans is to be afraid. No matter what the problem is, the Republicans are selling fear of it. Fear the Islamists; they are trying to destroy our government. I don't think Ronald Reagan was afraid of a few thousand guys, no matter who they are. The best thing the US can do is project an atmosphere of strength and calm throughout the world. Fear the Muslims, they want to make you wear a veil and pray 5 times a day. Fear the Democrats; they want to take away your guns. Fear the homosexuals, they want to convert you.

This is his viewpoint.  I agree that paralyzing fear isn't useful, but fear that motivates vigilance is quite useful.  Only a fool fears nothing.  What a person does in response to their fears is what matters.  If they allow themselves to be controlled by fear, then yes, he's right.  But I prefer to control my fear and act with vigilance.  Muslims?  I got a couple of acquaintances who are Muslim, and I doubt they're going to slit my throat anytime soon.  But there have been over 10,000 terrorist attacks committed by radical Muslims since 9/11, and countless attacks before then.  And let's not forget that Osama bin Laden, in an open letter to the USA, declared that the attacks against Americans and American interests around the world would continue until we convert.  These dirt-bags envision a global Islamic Caliphate.  They've said so.

I won't dignify the Fear the Democrats meme with a lengthy analysis.  I'll just point out the Democrat meme of Fear the Republicans; they want to see blacks back in slavery and women out of the workplace and back in the kitchen!

I don't fear homosexuals, but I am wary of the guilt trip they try to lay on us straights in order to further their agenda.  Were it not for "straight guilt", they wouldn't wield nearly as much power as a minority.  My former colleague also neglects the evidence regarding the blacks and latinos who voted for Prop 8 in California, two groups that vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.  I have no problem with gays joining in a civil union and getting all the tax benefits as a straight couple.  But marriage is a religious sacrament, and I feel there's a legitimate concern about a religious or religiously-motivated group being forced to acknowledge a couple's secularly-ordained status.  We've already seen this, with Catholic Charities being harassed by the state of California because they refused to allow an employee designate her lesbian partner as a health insurance dependent.  Where are all the "Separation of Church and State" folks when stuff like this happens?

Black and White:
Under communism, all shades of gray were available to the Republicans ( think Nixon going to China). R

Um, no, an oppressive Communist regime is an oppressive Communist regime.  That doesn't mean we can't establish diplomatic and trade relations with them.  When it comes to terrorism, to fanatical devotion to a belief system, be it religious, ideological, or some combination thereof, there is no middle ground.  Such enemies already see things in black and white.  Remember Obama's comment about the moderate members of Taliban?

 To summarize, my friend, while a nice guy, sees some things not as how they are, but as he would like them to be.  It's sad that if I and fellow conservatives have been de-friended simply for disagreeing with him, then he's not really as open-minded as he likes to think he is.  By the way, in all the above paragraphs, he only tells us why he's not a Republican, yet it's supposed to be about why he's a Democrat.  Well, perhaps he can delve into that some other time...

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