An ultra-conservative's views on this and that

12 November 2009

Lou Dobbs

It's a shame that Lou Dobbs is leaving CNN.  I think his reputation was keeping CNN's ratings from going completely into the gutter.  Over the past year, he's become vocal regarding illegal immigration, making an enemy out of "organizations" (since they advocate for violating immigration law, I think the proper term should be "criminal enterprises") such as La Raza.  The New York Times, the much-vaunted "newspaper of record", characterized his views in the opening paragraphs as "anti-immigration."  Dammit, it's anti-illegal-immigration.  How hard is it to get that right?  And while we're on the subject, why the hell are there pro- and anti- sides to a lawbreaking exercise?

A quick glance over the comments explains why the Times' stock is in the crapper:  The people writing the comments made their minds up over Dobbs without bothering to inform themselves.  I saw the word xenophobe more than once.

OK, you nitwits, I'll explain it to you one more time:  It's not about xenophobia.  It's not about racism.  I don't get a shit if a person is brown, black, or purple, but if they're working in this country illegally, that irritates me.  I would be just as irritated if a bunch of Canadians were hanging out by the area Home Depot parking lots, waiting for a unscrupulous, lazy, cheap bastard to come along and offer them sub-minimum wage work for the day.  It perpetuates the economic exploitation of a class of people.  Gee, that hasn't happened before in this country, has it?  I think they called it "slavery."  That class of individuals have subsequently discovered they can get state-sponsored handouts if they agree to vote for specific individuals, trading physical slavery for economic dependence, but that's a topic for another discussion.

This is a message to the citizens of the Republic of Mexico from the citizens of the United States of America.  Fix your country.  Eliminate or minimize the corruption in your government.  Revolt if you have to, to effect some change. 

Second message is the to the government of the Republic of Mexico:  Clean yourselves up.  Stop solving your economic problems by relocating them to our country. 

Third message is to the citizens of this country whom have decided to foster lawbreaking by exploiting day-laborers:  Cut your own damn lawn.  Do your own gardening, you cheap bastards.  It is possible.  I have worked 50-60 work weeks and still found time to get out and run the lawn mower over my little piece of heaven.  So can you. Yes, you sacrifice leisure time.  Get used to it.

One need look at the Roman Empire or pre-1860s Southern U.S. to clue us into where we're heading fast.  Both used slaves extensively.  Guess what?  Jobs were scarce because slaves were cheaper than paying someone a fair wage.

Unemployment is now at 10.2% and could go higher.  There are few or no unskilled labor jobs available for the displaced workforce because of rampant illegal immigration.  When times are tough, it's even more criminal to favor non-citizens over citizens for employment.

There's also the crime and committed by, and government benefits given to, illegal immigrants, but that's a topic for another time.

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