- "Speaking truth to power": This has got to be the most overused and least understood saying. Serious, what the fuck does that mean? First off, the "truth" these nitwits engage is often highly subjective, what more informed people would call "theories" or "opinions". But then again, that's what passes for logic from your average emotionally-unbalanced lefty. Take the 9/11 "Truthers": Other skyscrapers have aircraft crash into them, other skyscrapers have sustained large fires, so why didn't those skyscrapers collapse? It must have been a controlled demolition! Never mind the unusual structural configuration of the towers that emphasized the use of the towers' walls to hold the building together. Never mind that while fires in the building may have not reached the melting point of steel, they were hot enough to cause it to lose more than half of it's tensile strength.
- "Illegal war": I hear this in reference to the war in Iraq. Excuse me, what makes that war "illegal"? Didn't Congress vote to authorize the use of military force to compel Saddam Hussein to comply with UN resolutions? Didn't every intelligence agency in the world suspect Hussein's regime of developing Weapons of Mass Destruction?
- "Bush lied, people died": Really? Can you prove that charge? Can you prove that George W. Bush alone knew for a fact something that nobody else besides Saddam Hussein knew for a fact? What kind of stuff are we teaching in schools these days when a president makes a statement which only later turns out to factually unsupportable, yet it is deemed as a "lie" instead of a statement based on faulty intelligence. I say "factually unsupportable" instead of "factually incorrect" because of a simple little issue that has yet to be resolved to my satisfaction: What was in all those trucks that crossed the Iraqi border into Syria prior to the start of the invasion? What came of the rumors that WMDs were buried in the vast stretches of desert in the country?
03 October 2009
Inane liberal sayings
Most if not all conservatives have encountered stupid liberal protesters. You know the ones I'm talking about: The ones whose signs or slogans make no sense. Below is a list of them, starting with my all-time favorite "WTF?" slogan:
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